We are Woosah.

Consultancy, communications and campaigns that inspire action and reaction. 

What it says on the tin.

Woosah is a strategic communications consultancy that delivers impact for brands, businesses, and the people in them.


Getting them seen, and heard, when and where it matters most. 

Curiosity killed the cat? We disagree.

We believe curiosity sits at the heart of achieving competitive advantage; it’s what drives our desire to deliver impact for clients.


Investigation, interrogation and insights all lead the way to identifying the unique opportunity.


Or as we call it, the Woosah.

Who we've worked with.

Throughout our careers we’ve helped brands and businesses of every size, in a wide range of sectors, reach and influence the audiences that matter to them. 

Get in touch.

Could you do with a bit of Woosah in your world? 

Drop us a line and we’ll get right back to you. 


A state of clarity.